(U) Linea aspera (labium laterale), trochanter major, tuberositas glutea. (F) Tuberositas tibia via patella. Ursprung och fäste för M. Vastus lateralis. (U) Linea 


the lateral margin of the linea aspera of the femur that gives attachment to the lateral intermuscular septum and the short head of the biceps femoris muscles. Synonym(s): labium …

obturatorius en tibiale 1 - caput femoris, 2 - collum femoris, 3 - trochanter major, 4 - trochanter minor, 5 - crista intertrochanterica, 6 - tuberositas glutea, 7 - linea pectinea, 8 - linea aspera, 9 - labium laterale, 10 - labium mediale, 11 - epicondylus lat., 12 - epicondylus med., 13 - linea intercondylaris, 14 - fossa intercondylaris, 15 - tuberculum adductorium, 16 - facies poplitea, 17 - fossa trochanterica Anatomie: Linie zw. Labium mediale u. Labium laterale - Linea aspera, Oberschenkelstrukturen, Anatomie kostenlos online lernen Anterior intertrochanteric V line itv Linea intertrochanterica WiiJ, M Inner lip of the linea aspera Labium mediale linea; asperse , Head of the femur Caput femoris  lateral lip of linea aspera of femur [Financial], الشَّفَةُ الوَحْشِيَّةُ للخَطِّ الخَشْنِ الفَخِذِيّ. lesser trochanteric spine (labium mediale lineae asperae femoris) [Medical]  Zweilippige Knochenleiste dorsal am Femur, die die Kompakta verdickt und dadurch das Femur dorsal verstärkt.

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M. obliquus abdominis externus Linea intermedia cristae iliacae . M. obliquus abdominis internus . Labium internum cristae iliacae. Fascia thoracolumbalis: M. transversus abdominis. M. quadratus lumborum.

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Gross anatomy Deep part (fleshy insertion): labium mediale of linea aspera -Superficial part (tendinous insertion): epicondylus medialis of the os femoris Actions-Adduction, external rotation and extension of the hip joint -Stabilizes the pelvis in the coronal and sagittal plane Adductor Longus -Superficial part (tendinous insertion): epicondylus medialis of the The orientation of the linea aspera was described as the angle between the perpendicular line to the PCL, through the center of the diaphysis, and the lateral (α) and medial labium (β). medial lip of linea aspera of femur: translation. labium mediale lineae asperae femoris.

Labium mediale linea aspera

A: Labium mediale der Linea aspera N: N. obturatorius; M. adductor brevis U: Ramus inferior ossis pubis A: Labium mediale der Linea aspera N: N. obturatorius; M. adductor magnus U: Tuber und Ramus ossis ischii A: Labium mediale der Linea aspera, Epicondylus medialis femoris N: N. obturatorius und N. tibialis; M. gracilis U: Ramus inferior ossis

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2016-12-04 Linea Aspera. nyheter. Boka Tid. OMDÖMEN. Nyheter.
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Labium mediale linea aspera

THE SKELETON OF THE LOWER EXTREMITY 133 Fossa of the inter articular ligament^ Fovea capitis Neck of the femur Collum femoris , «>. Anterior intertrochanteric V line itv Linea intertrochanterica WiiJ, M Inner lip of the linea aspera Labium mediale linea; asperse , Head of the femur Caput femoris Linea aspera, Labium mediale Tuberositas tibiae; medialer und lateraler Tibiakondylus Knie: Extension M. vastus lateralis Linea aspera, Labium laterale M. vastus intermedius Vorderseite des Femurs Adduktoren (medial) M. pectineus Pecten ossis pubis Linea pectinea femoris N. femoralis Adduktion (Hüfte)** außer dem dorsalen Anteil des M. Linea f aspera femoris, Crista f femoris. Fachwörterbuch Medizin Englisch-Deutsch. 2013..

U: – Os Pubis, brevid symfysen, superiort om Add.Brevis. F: Labium Mediale Lineae Asperae [LMLA] FU: Adduktion i art.coxae Vastus Medialis: Proksimal yapışma yeri, bu parça linea intertrochanterica, labium mediale linea aspera ve septum intermusculareden başlar. Vastus İntermedius: Proksimal yapışma yeri.
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f: labium mediale linea aspera. utför: add, flex och utrot i höften. m. adductor brevis (en adduktor). u: os pubis. f: labium mediale linea aspera.

medial lip of linea aspera of femur: translation. labium mediale lineae asperae femoris. Medical dictionary.

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linea aspera 粗線 - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス 。 linea asperaの使い方と意味 labium mediale lineae asperae.

INTRODUCTION. The linea aspera is the roughened, longitudinally oriented, irregular crest on the posterior surface of the femoral shaft. This structure is composed of two lips — the labium mediale and the labium la-terale, which may be separated by up to 10 mm [15, 17]. Look at other dictionaries: medial lip of linea aspera of femur — labium mediale lineae asperae femoris … Medical dictionary. Linea aspera the lateral margin of the linea aspera of the femur that gives attachment to the lateral intermuscular septum and the short head of the biceps femoris muscles. Synonym(s): labium laterale lineae asperae [TA] F: Labium Mediale Lineae Asperae [LMLA] – Den långa senan vid Epicondylus Medialis. FU: Adduktion i art.coxae – Extension i art.coxae – Inåtrotation i art.coxae – Utåtrotation i art.coxae.